National Urban League: NUL and One Solution Launch Academic Excellence Campaign

Mar 28, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The National Urban League and One Solution announce No Ceilings on Success, a national campaign to hold states accountable to their plans for achieving educational equity under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Derived from the concept of breaking glass ceilings that prevent individuals from reaching their highest potential, No Ceilings on Success builds on the work of the League’s Excellence and Equity Project by equipping parents, teachers, students and communities with the knowledge to remove the barriers that prevent every student from achieving academic excellence.

“From the very founding of our nation, a quality public education has been seen as a fundamental right. But America hasn’t always lived up to that ideal,” National Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial said. “The Founding Fathers envisioned an “aristocracy of virtue and talent,” but unless we remove the ceilings for everyone, much of our nation’s best talent will remain held down.  Through No Ceilings on Success, every student can soar to great heights.”

Students of color are much more likely to attend schools where three-quarters of the students or more are low-income, and low-income districts with a higher proportion of students of color have been shown to receive substantially less state funding than comparably poor districts that have primarily white and affluent students.

“More than six decades after the Supreme Court declared that segregation has no place in public education, America still fails to provide an equal opportunity for all students,” Morial said. “The Every Student Succeeds Act requires states and districts to create a plan to address inequity. No Ceilings on Success provides parents and communities with the tools to hold states and districts accountable to those plans and to provide every American child with a high-quality education that prepares them for college, work and life.”

Urban One, the parent company of One Solution reaches 82% of Black America and is uniquely positioned as a creative and media partner to help the National Urban League empower parents, students and schools.

“Access and information are paramount for parents and advocates who want to effect change in America’s underserved schools,” One Solution and iOne Digital President Detavio Samuels said. “This campaign addresses the heart of why our company was founded and the passion that fuels our work to be a voice for and a connector to our often underserved urban audiences.”

Urban One will keep the information flowing and the conversation going through its various media properties including TV OneRadio OneReach Media and iOne Digital.

Teresa Candori
Senior Director, Media Relations

*This article comes from National Urban League


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